new drop


Fashion Finesse t-shirt

Giveaway time…

I’m giving away a FREE Fashion Finesse t-shirt,

To a member of the Finesse Family!

This is to say,

Thank you!

I appreciate every member of the squad.

The giveaway winner will be announced…

Live on my YT channel.

You’ll not only be winning a FREE t-shirt but,

You also get a FREE consultation…

I will be sending an email to the winner.

I can’t wait!

Once again Finesse Family,

I appreciate you guys.

Fitness Hack That Helped Me Bench 225…

80KG, 2 months of working out, 90KG Bulk was around Christmas and, 83KG Today!

I started going to the gym 8 months ago.

It gave me a feeling of purpose.


I felt that I wasn’t consistent.

Not with going to the gym.

I always showed up.

It was my workouts…

Some days I felt stronger than others.

Now that’s normal to an extent.

It was just that I knew there was something else to it.

So I began a process of taking notes that helped me eventually bench,


System that helped me bench 225.

Track your week like this in your notes.

Calculate how many calories you need to eat per day,

To meet your goal.

For me, it was 2500-3000 a day to get to 90KG.

That was the weight I felt I needed to be at to bench 225.

After you align your caloric intake with your goal.

Mark a GREEN Tick next to the day if you eat your calories for that day.

If you didn’t.

It’s cool.

Just write down,


This process helped me see why I wasn’t consistent.

When I went two days without eating enough calories to support my goals,

I would see a decrease in strength with my workouts.

Let me see your results on IG!

You’re going to crush it…

How To Take Your Competitors Customers…

Reverse Engineering!

This is essentially studying your competition…

To take their customers.

This is done by…

  1. Demographics - Knowing the age, race, sex, education, income level etc.  

  2. Offer - Knowing what they’re selling and for how much. Is there a secondary offer? etc. 

  3. Landing Page - Is it an opt-in page? Sales page? Model the landing pages that are already successful  

  4. Traffic Source - Where does the competition buy ads? Where is the traffic coming from? Banner ads? Social media? Email? Do they use video or text? Or both? 

  5. Ad copy - What is making people click? Are there pictures? What is their Headline? 

These are the things you must study and,

As a result.

You’ll be able to direct your competitors’ traffic,

Right to you!

You can also do this as a Content creator.

The principles are the same.

My Secret Dating App Hack…

These are all in 5 days.

4 days of not swiping and,

1 day of swiping.


More like 8 swipes a day.

My account had 2 huge attraction triggers for women.

That my previous accounts didn’t quite have.

I didn’t think about it at the time but now it makes sense.

When I had my previous dating accounts,

I mainly had my modeling photos which,

Gave me a lot of success.

They were missing 2 things.

My post-workout pictures and,

It’s a fake age, lol.

My new accounts had both those things which,

Further proves the points I constantly stress about…

Body game and Women liking older men.

I never posted workout pictures because it was never my thing.

But this time I set up my accounts with these 2 attraction triggers in place.

I now see an improvement in the quality of women I’m attracting and the number of women.


Remember earlier when I said “this time”

You’ve got to delete your account to try this method.

You’ll be shown to a bunch of new people.

You’re essentially reviving your account.

Thats it!!!

These are my new matches.

Appreciate you making it all the way here.

Go out there and get more,

Finesse Family!