Fashion Finesse

The Finesse Of Getting More Out Of Life

In Today’s Edition:

Final Giveaway Details,

Attracting Women With Fashion,

Why I Believe It’s A Sin To Be Broke (and not do be doing anything about it) and,

My Rejection To Romance Story Over The Weekend!

Final Giveaway Details…

I’m doing a giveaway to celebrate almost 10k subscribers on Fashion Finesse.

I don’t look at you as my fan.

I look at you as my Family!

I’ve decided to give away a PSN/XBOX voucher to cover the cost of GTA 6.

I will be adding your email to a wheel and picking the winner live on my channel this week!

Make sure your notifications are turned on.

If you win and don’t want an XBOX voucher,

I’m willing to buy whatever you want for a similar price to GTA 6.

I love you guys and will continue to share my experiences on YouTube,

I can’t wait to see where we can take this!

Fashion Finesse

Attracting Women With Fashion…

Most men believe they have to have expensive clothes to attract women.

Some guys will go broke buying clothes to try and attract women.

There’s no need for any of this.

I’ve picked up on a lot of things from dealing with women and,

One of those things is that women just want a clean canvas.

All you have to do is put the simple things together.

A guy in a white tee with a fresh cut is going further than a guy with a head-to-toe GUCCI outfit.

The guy in the GUCCI outfit might attract women because they think he has money.

Simple is the way to go.

Simple but stylish!

So on your next shopping trip for clothes,

Don’t break the bank trying to impress.

Why It’s A Sin To Be Broke…

Finances or the lack thereof,

Can cause people to do things they would never imagine.

I believe when you’re lacking finances you’re a lot more susceptible to doing WRONG!


A rich person can still be EVIL but on a balance of probabilities,

The person who’s struggling financially is more likely to commit EVIL in order to leave their bad financial situation.

You’ve got to be quite messed up to still be engaging in EVIL when you’re rich.

When you’re broke,

A lot more of those demonic low vibrational thoughts can enter your head and fester.

Demonic entities attach to you when you’re at your lowest and,

Financial pain is one of the worst pains.

If you want to hear more on this topic,

Here’s a full video.

My Rejection To Romance…

I had just finished my workout and was leaving the Gym.

As I was leaving I noticed this black woman.

She wasn’t a regular black woman,

She had HUGE Tits.

So I approached her as that’s personally what I like physically.

As I approached her and began conversing,

I noticed she seemed quite down.

When I asked if she lived locally,

She asked why.

It seemed like she already knew why I was approaching since she seemed to be in her 40s while I was clearly much younger.

I mean her tits were abnormally huge and she wasn’t fat from what I could see.

She’s probably used to men approaching because of her breasts.


She was rude and didn’t say anything when I gave her my reason for asking where she was from.

I kept it pushing as I’m a big believer in mutual interest…

It wasn’t even 5 minutes later and I noticed a beautiful natural black woman.

Now when I get rejected,

Which isn’t very often,

I rub off that rejection by approaching again.

That’s how you build your confidence, and social skills while losing the fear of rejection.

She had great eye contact and seemed feminine in the moment.

Her eye contact let me know that the interest was there so I asked for her number and received it.

We haven’t linked yet but I’ll be sure to let you guys know how it goes.

Oh yeah,

She is way better looking than the other black woman who had huge breasts.

I appreciate you making it down here,

If you have any crazy experiences during the week,

DM them to my IG @Mikedawiz28 to be featured in the next week’s edition.

Go get more out of life Finesse Family!

Fashion Finesse…