Fashion Finesse

Getting More Out Of Life

In Today’s Edition:

Horny Prison Guard,

Body Game,

SaaS And,

Promiscuous Women Hiding Behind Religion.

Horny Prison Guard…

A video has been going viral from prison.

The prison is located in the UK.

A Woman can be seen engaging in sexual acts with an INMATE.

I’m not going to show the full video but,

It’s easy to find.

Most men were probably too busy masturbating to realize…

The man she’s f*cking is in pretty good shape.

Body Game…

Has women out here risking prison sentences!!!

Now clearly this man is failing somewhere in life but,

He has shown what a woman is willing to do if she finds you attractive.

She risked a sentence and eventually ended up getting arrested.

She isn’t an unattractive woman.

Most men think it’s just unattractive desperate women willing to do this,

It’s not!

Women are lustful and the quicker you realize that,

The quicker you can navigate modern dating and avoid being deceived.

Body Game…

To achieve your best physique,

You must understand the importance of TEMPO at the gym.

Most people are going full speed with their workouts from the start.

Let’s say you’re doing 3 sets.

With the first 2 sets,

Do your normal weight but,

Slow and controlled.

When you’re on your last set,

You can now go increase the speed.

I’ve found that controlling my tempo,

Allows me to lift heavier!

Some of the best athletes,

Understand the importance of controlling their tempo.



Or Software as a Service,

Is a software distribution model in which applications are hosted by a service provider and made available to customers over the Internet.

Services like Salesforce,

Shopify and Netflix,

Are Saas companies.

SaaS is a profitable business model because it offers recurring revenue through subscription fees,

Reduces costs associated with software distribution and maintenance,

And scales efficiently.

I’m currently learning how to code…

This is so I can build my Software as a Service.

You can pay people to develop your software but,

I think being able to develop your software is a great skill to have in your arsenal,

In this technological age.

That’s why I’m developing it myself.

You can learn how to code for free on

Women Hiding Behind Religion…

I’ve been looking for a MAIN chick.

Mostly because dealing with multiple women without a main chick,

Can be quite draining.

As I’ve been vetting women…

I’ve come across a lot of deceitful women.

They present themselves as religious and someone who’s serious when it comes to dating.

I often find out they’re not serious at all!

Women typically hide behind religion,

When they are fresh off the streets.

They know they’ve done a bunch of sexually degenerate things so they go towards religion to feel better about themselves.

They’re not actually committed to their religion a lot of the time.

Fellas be careful…

Some of you are trying to GROW with a Woman but most of them only know how to DESTROY.

I appreciate you making it all the way down here,

Stay tuned for a FREE Giveaway coming soon!

Fashion Finesse…